
About us

We are an accredited as a Skills Development Provider (SDP) at the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) for the following qualifications (07-QCTO/SDP261021-3318):

Occupational Certificate: Bookkeeper
Occupational Certificate: Management Assistant
Occupational Certificate: Project Manager

In addition, we offer a wide variety of other training courses in Partnership with an accredited training provider, for the purpose of Quality Assurance and Certification. These include Nated as well as Seta qualifications and short courses / skills programmes.

We are also accredited for the following QCTO skills programmes (07-QCTO/SDP060722-6598): 

Occupational skills programme: Computer and Digital Support Assistant
Occupational skills programme: New Venture
Occupational skills programme: Workplace essential skills
Occupational skills programme: Workplace preparation

As far as our learning offering is concerned, we offer various training options. Although the traditional Classroom instruction will never fade away, we encourage the Blended Learning Approach of Distance Learning with Contact Sessions and Online Learning. We created an satdi.ensino-LMS platform so that we can reach the people that need the training most. Short courses as well as full qualifications are presented.

Our Vision is to provide training opportunities to thousands of people who need it but cannot afford formal training institutions. The satdi.ensino-LMS was developed specifically with those people in mind who are denied the opportunity due to poor infrastructure.

The SA Government developed various programmes to persuade local companies to invest in training initiatives, such as Learnerships, Internships and Bursary Programmes. In return for their investment, the companies’ status on the B-BBEE scorecard is improved and they contribute towards resolving the education crisis in South Africa. South African Training and Development Institute is fully supportive of B-BBEE training initiatives and works in close cooperation with consulting firms that can assist in this regard.

Short Course (Skills Program)

Training interventions directed at optimal workplace learning, equipping the learner with sufficient knowledge to meet a specific need in a particular workplace.

Distance Learning

A method of study taking place via the Internet, E-mail, Mail, etc., excluding face-to-face contact between teachers and learners.​

Online Learning​

A particular type of distance learning, taking place over the Internet and, amongst other terms, often referred to as E-Learning. ​

satdi.ensino-LMS Portal

A learning management system integrated with satdi.ensino-LMS, allowing for paperless uploading, collecting and grading of learning material and assignments.

Nelson Mandela: “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”​


A work based learning programme conducted over a one year period, comprising theoretical training as well as workplace exposure.​


A workplace skills plan addresses the training and development needs within a company, identifying training interventions required to address skills gaps within the organisation.


The Annual Training Report (ATR) is a continuation of the Workplace Skills Plan, reporting on education and training interventions that were delivered the previous year and monitoring training progress within a company.

Referral for BBBEE consultation

Assisting you to become fully BBBEE compliant by referring you to the best BBBEE consultants in the industry